The Importance of Downtime for Small Business Owners –

The Importance of Downtime for Small Business Owners –

By: Andrew Sauveur

Being a passionate business owner, or leader, I’m guessing you have as much trouble as I do getting enough rest, being away from your devices for any length of time, or generally enjoying some genuine peace and quiet from time to time.

Downtime is Important for you to be the most effective.

Studies are showing how important downtime is for our brains.  The evidence that clearing your mind periodically is a vital element in increasing creativity and productivity is growing fast.

3 types of breaks

There are 3 types of significant downtime, and some are easier to do than others.

1.) Sleep.  We all know the importance of sleep, it revives your body, muscles, and cognitive function.  There are also numerous theories regarding how much sleep a person requires.  Some say 8 ours, some say 4, or various times in between.  The reality is, everyone is different.  I function best off of 6 hours of solid uninterrupted sleep.  Others can function off of just a few, while others require much more.  Try changing up your sleep patterns, including ambient noise in your bedroom, and see which option works best for you.

2.) Going on Vacation.  A break in your normal routine is sometimes required.  However, for the small business owner, being completely removed from their business is often impossible.  Nonetheless, even if your are still dealing with some work issues, doing them from another location for a few days will do you some good in the long run.

3.) Scheduled breaks.  I find this option much more possible in my daily life.  Schedule regular breaks in your routine for downtime.  Personally, I ensure a Friday night date night with my significant other every week.  It’s a time when I turn off my phone, don’t respond to emails, and simply focus on her, and enjoy an evening together.

Doesn’t have to be extravagant, just has to happen.  These breaks however can also be just an hour a day at the gym, a walk outside for a half hour, or as I do most days, turn off all white noise, and read a book for a half hour before bed.  The key is to keep it consistent, and don’t let it slide, your brain will love you for it!


Drew Sauveur
Author: Drew Sauveur

Local business owner and resident of Durham Region

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